In the past few days I began testing a couple of services: Plausible, SmugMug and Mailbrew. Three services I don’t need, but somehow found myself wanting to use.
Quickly converted Plausible trial into a subscription. It’s a much nicer alternative to the usual Analytics from that other brand. Easy one. Still have no real use for site metrics, but what am I supposed to do ? Save the money ?
SmugMug is not growing on me. Would love to love it, but Flickr still seems to come out on top, maybe because I’m so used to the workflow I have going with it. I don’t think the two weeks trial will change that.
Mailbrew is something I wanted to check out, but the price isn’t worth it for me. A quick search on Twitter led me to a 30% discount if I decide to subscribe, so I began my trial period today. Looking forward to these two weeks.
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